Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Wow! Den can play UNO!

She learned to play at her best friend's house a week or two ago. She had been nagging us to buy her a Princess UNO card since. Since we already have a set of UNO cards at home, we refused. But we told her she can buy it with her allowance. She has RM3 per week for this kind of thing.

Last Sat, when we go to the cheap shop in Atria, she bought the Princess UNO at RM4.90. It is full color and really worth it for that price. Since she is obsessed with all the Disney princesses, I thought she only wanted the card because of the pictures. I didn't really believe that she can handle all the rules and play the card game, especially as it stated on the box cover, it is for age 7 and above.

Surprise! Surprise! We had some time tonight - after dinner, before sleep time. I let her worked on a few Sudoku and she finished 5 puzzles in less than 15 minutes. Then she suggested we played UNO. We played for one hour and she can really play!

She didn't much strategies but she knew all the rules and she can play accordingly. In fact, she won a few rounds, when she got a really good hand and mine was sucked!

Maybe I underestimated her and should start playing more games with her. I wonder when is her daddy going to teach her to play chess.

Update (2023): From UNO we progressed to Monopoly, Cluedo, Ticket to Ride, and many many more boardgames and card games. By 10 yo she played decently well with adults. She also learned to play chess but it has never been her thing. She prefers boardgames especially social deduction games like Avalon. 

List of some of the memorable games we played through out the years: 

Monopoly Deal
Ticket to Ride
I'm the Boss
7 wonders
Le Havre
Sushi Go
The Mind
Watson & Holmes
Too Many Cinderellas
Unstable Unicorns

For awhile she was into D&D and make daddy and me played with her. 

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